XBRL Multidimensional Data

How to provider a multidimensional data based on native XBRL documents, in high performance? It is known in market and academy that XML files have serious problems in high performance , you may find many scientific works in which is approached this topic, such as: [1] [2]. Thinking about that, I have looked for a…

XBRL Perfomance: Python x Java!

After developing the easyXBRL (a Python-based XBRL Library) and jeasyXBRL (a Java-based XBRL library), it was possible to measure the performance time between both. I maintained the cyclomatic complexity in this two XBRL libraries. There is no difference about the algorithm [you may check through github: easyXBRL, jeasyXBRL] , they’re the same computer logic, just…

Financial Forensic Analysis

This work was develped with Prof. Paulo Caetano, PhD. It has been accepted at IADIS ICWI’14 in Porto, Portugal. Abstract: The Information Technology has led many countries to adopt technologies based on internationally accepted standards for the disclosure of their financial statements. The XBRL technology is adopted to represent financial data (instances) and its semantics…

Analytical Processing for Financial Forensic Analysis

This work was develped with Prof. Paulo Caetano, PhD. It has been accepted at IEEE EDOC’14 in Ulm University, Germany. Abstract: The current status of Information Technology has prompted several countries to adopt technologies based on internationally accepted standards for the disclosure of their financial statements. In order to facilitate data exchange and increase the transparency of financial information…

XBRL and its ontologies / XBRL e suas Ontologias …

Abstract Geographic Information Systems (GIS) deal with virtual localization of real objects. The geographic data insertion in the semantic of the financial data allows the using of a tooling which utilizes geographic data with analysis tool. A financial analysis tool based on geovisualization allows accountants or auditors notice tendencies and criticalities in virtual maps. A…